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Balin's grave

The fight against the cave troll

sees a door, runs through it
--The others follow, find Gimli grieving over a tomb. Gandalf reads the dwarven runes on the top of the tomb. --
Here lies Balin, son of Hrundin, Lord of Moria. He is dead then. It is as I feared.
finds a book held by a skeleton leaning against the tomb
We must move on. We cannot linger here.
They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. The ground shakes. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. A shadow moves in the dark. Drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out. We cannot get out. They are coming.
knocks a skeleton into the well
Fool of a Took! Next time, throw yourself in, and rid us of your stupidity!
--There is a pause where it seems they might not have been heard, then drums start pounding. Frodo's sword is glowing blue.--
(checks out the door, almost gets hit by two arrows, shuts the door) They have a cave troll.
Stay back, close to Gandalf!
--They bar the door with the weapons of the dead.--
Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!
--Orcs break holes in the door. Legolas and Aragorn shoot arrows through the holes and kill the Orcs on the other side. Finally, the doors break open and Orcsflood in. All the companions join in the fighting, even the hobbits. Then the troll comes through the door and part of the wall. Sam slips under him. Many Orcs killed. The troll smashes the tomb Gimli is standing on top of, but misses Gimli, then kills several of the Orcs in its attempt to get the dwarf. The troll uses its chain like a whip, trying to hit Legolas, who dodges. The chain becomes momentarily caught around a pillar, and Legolas runs up it to stand on top of the troll and gets a shot at its head, but jumps off when the troll grabs for his ankles.--
(hits several Orcs over the head with his frying pan) I think I'm getting the hang of this!
--Troll catches sight of the three hobbits. They all dodge, but Frodo goes one way and Merry and Merry the other. The troll follows Frodo, who manages to stay on the opposite side of the pillar from the troll for a while, but then he is surprised, falls down, and the troll grabs his foot.--
Aragorn! Help!
--Frodo cuts the troll's hand with Sting, and it lets go. troll reaches for Frodo again, but Aragorn runs over and stabs it with a spear, prompting the troll to smash him into the wall. Frodo shakes Aragorn, but he doesn't get up. troll stabs at Aragorn, but renews its interest in Frodo when he moves. Frodo dodges the spear, then runs into it and gets thrown against the wall. Before he can move, the troll stabs him with the spear. Frodo falls, with the spear in his side. Merry and Merry jump on the troll'sback and stab it wildly. troll grabs Merry and throws him off, Merry stabs it again, when it rears up, Legolas kills the troll with an arrow through the brain. Merry has a hard landing, still being on top of the troll when it falls.--
Oh, no. (thinking he's dead, he rolls Frodo over]
He's alive!
I'm all right, I'm not hurt.
You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar!
I think there is more to this hobbit than meets the eye.
pulls open his shirt to reveal a Mithril vest
Mithril! You are full of surprises, Mr. Baggins!
To the bridge of Khazad-dûm!